Use "flocks and herds|flock and herd" in a sentence

1. And over the young of the flock and the herd.

2. Abraham and Lot prospered, accumulating huge flocks of sheep and herds of cattle.

3. 14 Butter of the herd and milk of the flock,

4. By this time both Abraham and Lot had accumulated much wealth, as well as flocks and herds.

5. 22 Will flocks and herds be slaughtered for them, for it to be adequate for them?

6. Chapter 27 explains that the Lord commanded Israel to consecrate their crops, flocks, and herds to the Lord.

7. He portrays the latter as a nomadic people who traversed the steppe in wagons with their herds and flocks.

8. + 38 And a vast mixed company*+ also went with them, as well as flocks and herds, a great number of livestock.

9. A herd of wildebeests, a shoal of fish, a flock of birds.

10. Abraham, a faithful servant of God, acquired great flocks and herds, much silver and gold, and a large household of servants numbering in the hundreds.

11. The returning Jews will have to depend on domestic animals for survival —flocks and herds will provide milk, wool, and meat, and oxen will pull the plow.

12. The sacrificial animal was from the herd or the flock, that is to say of the clean animals, and was “sound,” without defect.

13. And you must dwell in the land of Goshen, and you must continue near me, you and your sons and the sons of your sons and your flocks and your herds and everything you have.

14. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is an ancient breed originating in Eastern Europe’s Kavkaz, or Caucasus, mountain range, where he was used for guarding and protecting herds, flocks and villages from predators and trespassers

15. 16 And it came to pass that they began to prosper by degrees in the land, and began to raise grain more abundantly, and flocks, and herds, that they did not suffer with hunger.

16. There are only four genetically unmixed American bison herds left, and only two that are also free of brucellosis: the Wind Cave bison herd that roams Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota; and the Henry Mountains herd in the Henry Mountains of Utah.

17. The flocks Conceived before the rods, and the flocks brought forth streaked, speckled, and spotted

18. 9 When David would attack the land, he preserved neither man nor woman alive,+ but he took the flocks, herds, donkeys, camels, and clothing, after which he would return to Aʹchish.

19. For example, God would accept an offering of turtledoves if the person could not afford an offering from the flock or the herd.

20. And all their flocks have been scattered.”

21. The infected breeder flocks are quarantined from uninfected flocks.

22. 2 Now many women and children had been slain with the sword, and also many of their flocks and their herds; and also many of their fields of grain were destroyed, for they were trodden down by the hosts of men.

23. Blunging are social creatures and live in herds

24. They are gregarious birds and feed in flocks.

25. 3 And the robbers could not exist save it were in the wilderness, for the want of food; for the Nephites had left their lands desolate, and had gathered their flocks and their herds and all their substance, and they were in one body.

26. They often were mixed with domestic horses, and alongside pure herds there were herds of feral horses or hybrids.

27. Abraham lived in Beer-sheba and pastured flocks nearby

28. They boasted about their sons, daughters, flocks, and cattle.

29. Feeding the Flocks

30. Herd the enemy troops together and annihilate them.

31. 2 But the people were afflicted, yea, greatly afflicted for the loss of their brethren, and also for the aloss of their flocks and herds, and also for the loss of their fields of grain, which were trodden under foot and destroyed by the Lamanites.

32. Without delay, they left their flocks and headed for Bethlehem.

33. Her religious leaders and their flocks will “be broken and ensnared and caught.”

34. Shepherds penned their flocks.

35. We're going together and taking the herd with us.

36. Flocks of goats and camels grazed on the inhospitable land.

37. Flocks of gulls curiously hovered around us , swooping up and down .

38. HERD SIRES AND SEMEN At SCHNEIDER Brahmans, we are proud to offer both Horned and Polled Brahman herd sires, representing the top of Brahman genetics

39. Ammon becomes the servant of King Lamoni and preserves his flocks

40. Cows bond closely with their herd and create close friendships

41. We'll be driving the herd up and down icebergs yet.

42. 3 But, like Nietzsche said, no herdsman and one herd.

43. “Strike the shepherd,+ and let the flock* be scattered;+

44. You herd them yourself?

45. Aoudads reproduce and spread quickly, with herds of more than 100 individuals

46. There is a herd of nail salons in York however Angkor breaks from the herd by attention to detail and strong personal service

47. The males in the herd protect the females and the young.

48. With improved growth and performance, Brahman cattle increase profitability and enhance herd performance.

49. Flocks of birds squawk and peck, stealing seed before dirt covers it.

50. Your new flock is women, children and old folk.

51. Typically, deep loose Bedded herds average 11.5 to 12 hours per day lying times compared to 10 to 10.5 hours per day for mat and mattress herds.

52. Bossisms bossless bossnapping bossnappings bossy bossyboots bostals bostangi: bostangis bostanji bostanjis bostin bostons (current term) bostryx bostryxes bostwickite bosun bosun's chair: bosuns boswellian boswellic acid bot bot flies bot fly bot herd bot herds bota

53. Eating the rams of the flock and the fattened calves;*+

54. A person who guides and protects a flock of sheep.

55. Today they are appreciated for the work with herds of cattle and sheep.

56. Flocks leave the roost in waves.

57. Hand-operated printing, screen printing, flock coating and flock printing machines, carousel machines, gluing machines, pre-cleaning machines, effects apparatus for creating surface effects on flock by means of embossing or compressed air

58. Indeed, following disclosure of a reaction, a special contiguous testing programme for herds adjoining restricted herds is operated.

59. David and his men had been “like a protective wall” for Nabal’s shepherds and flocks.

60. In Africa and the Mideast, goats are typically run in flocks with sheep.

61. But there were rabbits by the dozens, and flocks of chestnut-colored bantams.

62. Protecting the Flock

63. His herd was gone.

64. Unrestricted hunting further reduced the herds.

65. Reindeer roam the tundra in large herds.

66. A flock of mercenaries.

67. Straight back to that herd?

68. The herd must be culled.

69. Chickens are gregarious birds and live together as a flock

70. A flock of birds comes over, and the hunting starts.

71. And they began to weep exceedingly, saying: Behold, our flocks are scattered already.

72. Herds of bison live in the park.

73. In the summer, tourists flock to the museums and art galleries.

74. Starting your Alpaca business or increasing your herd is easy and foolproof

75. The crops grown and the locations of herds are determined by the local climate.

76. Gregarious, flocks often hawking for flying insects and spiralling up to perform aerobatics.

77. Migrating herds, especially males, have been reported.

78. Ask not where the herds have gone.

79. The reindeer herds are slowly dying off.

80. Lovers of surfing, sailing and scuba diving flock to the ocean.